Sail22, LLC Founders & Owners, Becky and Ed Furry
It all started in 2007…
Sail22, LLC was founded by sailors to help make racing sailboats easier. The company’s trademarked motto from the beginning has been: Always Happy. Never Satisfied.® In life and work, Becky and Ed strive to always be happy. They also aim to never be satisfied. This can mean many things, but for Sail22 and the service Ed and Becky provide the community, it is to never be satisfied with average when they can always do better.
When you call or email Sail22, LLC with a question, concern, or request, there is a high probability either Becky or Ed will respond. In an industry and time where it’s nearly impossible to speak directly to the person in-charge, at Sail22,LLC sailors needing help will receive support from a fellow sailor who cares about the sport as much as they do.